Friday, March 11, 2011

Recent week...

Health update - kids are good and YT and I are getting better. Serious bout of flu/cough going round the house and shoo we don't need such crap in the house.

Poo/Pee update - Shawn has 'grown up'. NO MORE DIAPERS! And my fear of him peeing in our bed has subsided. Recently he declared that he needs to poo or pee (FUSS FREE) in the loo. I should just chuck the 2pcs of pull ups in his school bag (which stayed there since 2wks ago). Yay!

Morning routine update - Shawn's morning weekdays (since Wednesday) *touchwood* has been fussfree for past 3days hope this would go on for GOOD :
- Wakie and roll on the bed for 5-10min
- Cheerios and milk
- Pee then poo time
- Washes hands, brush teeth & change uniform
- Play iPad (recently hogging Plants vs Zombies) while waiting for us to get ready
- Get one 'animal' from the Animal Parade multivit
- Get hold of his breakie box and get out of the house

Lalaland update - Errrr recently we slacked reading to him. Reason being he has been wanting to co-sleep in our room! So the evening routine is :
- Get home bath, a little TV time & dinner time
- Fruits then milk (half an hour interval) - recently I give plum and apples on alternate days
- Either he plays Plants vs Zombies or watches all the way to Handy Manny and Ernie Bernie
- Off the TV and he goes pee and poo time
- Washes his hand and brushes his teeth and change to PJs, remind me that he'd sleep in our room

This started this week. He hates the Kodomo strawberry toothpaste BUT would grouchily use it in exchange to sleep in our room. He can opt not to have me put him to bed, he'd rather roll and console himself to sleep (as long as he's in our bed, he is happy). He does say it out loud to remind himself, "No need mommie pat pat, I sleep mommie's room. My bed is too soft and not comfy." Bleah! He does not call for Mommie anymore while trying to fall asleep - that's quite an achievement for him!

Nature science update - Rafflesia and Sea cucumber, and all other sea creatures in Chinese are called....
- Just this week, he spotted YT's shirt with a Rafflesia. And he rattled on to say, "Very huge red flower and stinky
- When asked what did he learn in school today, he said, "Sea cucumber". I asked if it's a plant or animal. He answered, "Sea creature" - correcto mundo. He added, "They move on the sea floor like starfish, eat seawater (actually eats dead and decaying organic material, algae, tiny plankton), shape like a cucumber". What color ? Black (Tr Seena showed them a photo of a black sea cucumber). I googled and showed him there are many types of sea cucumber, not only black color, some are very colorful indeed.
- Seahorses swim upright and straight, use their tail to swim, eats small fish
- I learnt this from Shawn today, words in Chinese :
乌龟 wū guī tortoise
海星 hăi xīng starfish
海龟 hăi guī turtle
海马 hăi mă sea horse

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