Monday, August 15, 2011


Dylan wailed and cried in pain for less than a minute when the 2 were playing
Mommie : Shawn, why did didi cry?
Shawn : I take the gun from the basket, I hold it and walk around. Then I press the trigger. I swing swing swing and then didi neck pain.
Mommie : Oooo you swing it around is it?
Shawn : Yes
Mommie : So the gun hit didi's neck?
Shawn : Yes (looking sadly onto the floor)
I hugged & praised him for finally telling me the truth after I asked him for more than 10times!

Confession from an almost 4yr old, when silence ain't that golden
Fart #1 in the car : Mommie I farted one time, no sound
Fart #2 as we got out of the car : Mommie I farted one more time, 2time
Fart #3 as we got into the building : Mommie I farted 3times already

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