Friday, April 23, 2010

This is my Zoo!

Shawn has a collection of animals, ranging from ice age fellas to existing elephants, ant-eater, cheetahs etc. This afternoon after his nap, he got out of the room and went to the coffee table (where the animals are all lined up) and shouted, "Wake up, elephant! Wake up, cheetah! Wake up mammoth! Wake up, T-rex!"

Later this evening, I saw him lining them up on the couch, occupying almost 2/3 of a 3seater couch, all spaced out. Then I ask, "How come your zoo is on the couch?" Shawn's reply which was pretty disconnected to my question, "This is my zoo, MY zoo. NOT your zoo!" And he repeated it twice (in a very happy tone though). I was taken aback with how he answers me... sounds so much like us when we tell him that some things aren't his!


1 comment:

Nelneyshajo said...

This goes to show kids learn things from us and kept it in them.. Should there be a day, they will just pour everything out to us :P Smart boy... The waking up sounds like Neysha. She will go shouting : " daddy wake up. "