Sunday, November 22, 2009

Shawn the big brother

When I delivered Dylan, my mum took over the job of taking care of Shawn full time. He went to daycare but he was overall very very cooperative to my mum. He visited us on the 12Nov while we were still in the hospital. We had prepared his "presents" from Dylan the Didi. A box of mini books of classic Winnie the Pooh and a lion figurine which was bought. He loved the lion figurine at the 1st sight. Anyway, he didn't seem too happy seeing me holding Dylan in my arms. He whined a little and pulled a long face. When we got home on Friday 13Nov, when he got back from school, he wasn't happy either seeing Dylan in his cot. He wanted to go into the cot with Dylan and he said "Inside cot!". The next day he was happy and accepted the existence of his little baby brother Dylan. He asked to sayang Dylan and even kissed him. Awww... sweet little pumpkin! Initially it seemed a little too rough when he patted on Dylan. But now he exercises some control in strength that he is more gentle with Dylan

Shawn's performing his duty as a big brother pretty nicely. When Dylan cries, he would announce "Didi (or baby) cry!". When Dylan is just falling asleep, he goes into the room and "Shhh, quiet" and screamed then "Good night" - even without anyone in the room. When he comes by to sayang Dylan when I am nursing him, I would in turn sayang him back.

1 comment:

Nelneyshajo said...

haha.. the parts : - little one cries and he announce didi ; too rough when he patted on his didi sounds like Neysha.. :)