Thursday, January 12, 2012


Shawn's good use of a new word EXCEPT (he did that in the right context)!

His definition of Hosang and Isaac being naughty is "They are naughty. Isaac and Ho Sang do not know ABC and spell their names. They run around the classroom." I redefined not knowing ABC and to spell their names as "People learn at different rate (to him it's SPEED). You should not call them naughty for not knowing ABC and spelling their names". School's good. They learn letter P yesterday and N today. Tr Zhi Lan taught them to color items which starts with letter N. And recently he does the auto reporting about what he eats for breakfast, lunch and snack.

Last night he reminded Ah Ma that yesterday (last year), he made Chinese New Year cards. And also made fire crackers. Felt guilty not doing any art and craft. It's just that I put Dylan to bed and by the time I get out it's time for HIM to go to bed. Booohoooo!

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